Introducing Gratnells Vet Video Diaries

Have you done something outstanding this week in your veterinary practice? Perhaps you had a bright idea about how to make your storage areas even more accessible and efficient. Maybe you’ve figured out the perfect colour-coding system that enables everyone in the team to know just which drawer holds what, or you’ve come up with the most logical use of dividers within the drawers that suits your veterinary practice, patients, and equipment. Whatever the idea, we want to hear from you for a new Gratnells Veterinary Video Diary feature.

Gratnells Vet Video Diaries are all about showing vets in action, as they share their expertise on best practice. This is your chance to be in the spotlight for a few minutes of fame, as you demonstrate just what you’re great at. We welcome tips from all Gratnells Veterinary customers: highlighting a particular feature of your practice that helps save time, or reduces stress. No matter how unique you think your methods are to your own situation: no matter what species you treat, no matter how large or small your practice premises – referral centre, first-opinion practice, or something in between – we want to hear from you all.

So far, we have featured Oak Barn Vets performing Keyhole Surgery.  Could you be next?

Send your stories to [email protected] and help make this new blog feature into another part of the Gold Standard on veterinary storage solutions.

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