Antibiotic Awareness Week. And Tuesday’s Mystery Bacterium Is…?

For today’s ‘name that bacterium’ quiz, we have quite a picky little pathogen, which affects only one family of mammals in which there is one extant genus and two main veterinary species (plus their hybrids). On the other hand, once it gets into a population of animals it can create havoc, particularly in premises with a high proportion of youngsters.

Can you name the mystery bacterium? Here are some hints about today’s guest bacterium:

  • This bacterium causes upper respiratory disease, with 100% morbidity and up to 5% mortality.
  • The main clinical signs are rhinitis, pharyngitis, lymphadenitis and myositis, with characteristic swollen lymph nodes – particularly around the head and neck – and a purulent exudate, which is the main means by which the disease is transmitted.
  • Spread of the disease can be by inhalation due to animals sharing airspace or by indirect contact through shared feeding and grooming utensils with this hardy bacterium persisting in the environment for weeks to months unless everything is thoroughly disinfected.

For those of you who fancy yourselves as microbiologists, one last clue is that today’s bacterium is a gram positive coccus, which forms chains as it multiplies, and whose macroscopic appearance is generally small translucent colonies with clear zones around them when grown on blood agar.

Can you name the bacterium? Send your answer (with your name) to [email protected] 

All correct answers will be entered in the draw to win a free Gratnells trolley at the end of the week.

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