For today’s final mystery bacterium, and our final one of the week, we have an organism that manages to get everywhere and causes a wide range of clinical signs.
Can you name the mystery bacterium? Here are some hints about today’s guest bacterium:
- In birds, especially chickens and turkeys, it’s associated with avian cholera, but in calves and pigs it’s more commonly seen as a secondary pathogen in Enzootic Pneumonia.
- This highly adaptable bacterium also occurs as a commensal in the upper respiratory tract of cats and dogs, but then becomes pathogenically important when introduced into bite wounds, where it commonly leads to abscesses.
- This same organism is associated with snuffles in rabbits and both pneumonia and mastitis in sheep. It can cause pyothorax and cellulitis in cats. Even more seriously, it has been associated with osteomyelitis, endocarditis and meningitis.
Microscopically, it can be described as a very small, non-motile, Gram-negative, ovoid, coccoid or short rod shaped bacterium. Colonies grown on blood or chocolate agar have a characteristic ‘mousey’ smell.
Can you name the bacterium? Send your answer (with your name) to [email protected]
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